Top 10 MOST SPOILED KIDS With SUPERCARS! (Ungrateful Kids & Rich Brats On Video)

Spoiled Kids: Here are the top 10 most spoiled kids with supercars, sports cars and expensive vehicles. Most kids are grateful for getting their very first car …
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38 Replies to “Top 10 MOST SPOILED KIDS With SUPERCARS! (Ungrateful Kids & Rich Brats On Video)”

  1. These kids weren't taught about being grateful nor the value of things. They show less empathy towards people cause they don't know about what it feels like to be less fortunate, so it's not their fault

  2. Just take these kids to my mom's house she will beat the hell out of you and make you learn that you earn what is given and help you see that their is kids in Africa who struggle to get a taste of water and your here breaking your car and saying "it's the wrong colour" have respect for your parents they do everything for you and you wouldn't have anything without them just return the favour by showing real pure appreciation to them

  3. If I ever came across a kid who acted like this, I would take the tires off their cars and make them do community service to get the tires back one by one. And if they still haven't learned anything, they could ride a tricycle for all I care.

  4. Peasant poor people? For your information I have a new Nintendo 3ds xl a Wii u Xbox one GameCube custom Mario gameboy sp a gameboy color a Nintendo switch and finally a Nintendo switch and also about the games lets just say I have alot.

  5. i rather buy a 2010 toyota Vios or P71 crown vic. because they are the best for me. cheap, reliable, comfortable, and many spare parts scattered in every single workshop. if the AC broke, we can attach a cheap table fan at the dashboard to cool yourself. but, with sport car you gonna be shame if you use that table fan. plus, these cheap cars have more space so we can go to somewhere when vacation with a lot of stuff and person. unlike sport car that will make you carry little as possible and only can carry 2 person including you.

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